Ad ID: 000260
Posted: Jan 13, 2023
ALIGNMENT THERAPY for Chronic Pain or Better Posture (Murray)
Services > Health & Beauty
Are you trying to achieve better posture or just need a more sustainable way to rid yourself of pain? TRY ALIGNMENT THERAPY!
Tension occurs because of poor postural habits. The body responds by adding layers of connective tissue, further binding you into these areas of misalignment.
This modality aims at reducing the binding in order to re-organize the additional tissue, decrease pain and bring your joints into better alignment with gravity.
The work is deep, yet gentle while also being calming to the nervous system.
You will also receive self-care/pain management exercises and postural advice to give you the tools to reduce or eliminate the pain on your own.
MENTION THIS AD for an intro price of:
$70 for 105 minutes
(Reg. Price $100)
**This is professional, non-sexual bodywork.
Schedule your appointment today. (by appt. only)
4970s 900e Ste. F-104 in Three Fountains Professional Plaza
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