Ad ID: 000965
Posted: Apr 05, 2024
#1 Weight Loss Challenge, Body By Vi
Services > Health & Beauty
  • Other locations:

    Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot

Are you ready to get in shape for summer?

Did you know that 80% of weight loss is based on nutrition, 20% on exercise. The body by vi 90 day challenge can provide you with the nutrition your body needs to shed those pounds that may be stopping you from engaging in certain activities or feeling good in your body.

We offer a meal replacement shake that over 100 million shakes have been served and millions of pounds lost.
New product launch, transformational protein super cereal. Your shake in a flake. Add a crunch combo pack to your challenge kit!! More information at

Not only have I lost weight on the challenge but I have gained back my energy from the nutrients in the shake and feel better in my body.

I want you to have that feeling!! I am committed to helping you with your goals..

Please watch this 5 minute video on my website to see why I'm so excited to share this.
Click Join the Challenge to start your 90 Day Challenge today!

90 Day Results Money Back Guarantee. Three for free program, over 150,000 new people joining every month, that's over 5000 per day!!
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