Ad ID: 001126
Posted: Jul 02, 2022
In-home or Office Personal Trainer, Zumba and Boot Camp (East Bay, martinez 20 mile radius)
Services > Health & Beauty
Let my experience and knowledge help you reach your goals. I have 19 years of experience and a Master Exercise Science and Health Promotion degree. My certifications and course completions are from NASM, PHI, Zumba Fitness, C.H.E.K. Institute and Fitour.

You provide the space and I will provide the equipment and service. Your program will consists of functional and traditional exercises that require no or minimal equipment.

Currently, I am offering nutrition consulting, personal fitness training, individual and group boot camp, Zumba and pilates classes. In addition, to adults and seniors all services are available for ages 6 through 17 years of age with parent or guardian approval.

Pay with Cash, Check, Money Order, or Credit Card

Contact by email address at the top of this ad or 925-588-4687

Free Consultation by phone or email (1 per client)

Free sessions available after completing at least 10 sessions in 6 weeks-Testimonial = 1 free session, Before and after pictures = 1 free session, Referral = 1 free session

3 sessions for one payment of $165

1 session $60 - individualized one on one

1 session for 2 people or more $60 total - non-individualized (Group Boot Camp, Pilates, Zumba ect.)

1 session for 2 people $80 total - individualized

I am currently looking for a space of at least 432 square feet with rubber mat flooring, wood or cement. If you have something available month to month please contact me. I need space M-F 4:00PM to 9:00PM and Sat. 7:00AM to 2:00PM. Thank you.
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