Ad ID: 001231
Posted: Apr 03, 2014
Comedy Open Mic! The Last Wednesday Monthly @ Comedy Cafe Milwaukee
Community > Events
Showcase Night
Last Wednesday Monthly at 8pm
Admission is FREE
Featuring Drink Specials All Night!

Booking a spot:
The New Open Mic Competition will be held on the last Wednesday of every month.

There will be 8 spots available for the competition. All performers will be expected to have a 5 minute set prepared. After 4 minutes have passed, a light will be flashed to inform the performer to end their set in 1 minute. If the performer goes over their allotted time, the mic will be cut off and the host will return to the stage to continue the show. Each performer in the competition will be expected to bring a minimum of 5 guests* in order to get stage time (NO EXCEPTIONS). All 5 guests* must be in the club at show time in order for the performer to get stage time that night (You need an audience to perform for). Audience votes determine the winner so, the more friends a performer brings, the better chance he has of winning the competition. At the very end of the show the winner will be announced. The prize for winning will be $25 and a 5 minute guest spot on a regular Thursday night show (Some exceptions will be granted for other nights). Performers may win only once within the calendar year but may perform as many times as it takes to win, providing there is space available. All winners will be expected to perform in a Special Show in December to determine Milwaukee’s Funniest Open Mic comedian. The winner of that show/competition will receive a special prize to be determined later in the year.

There will also be 3 spots available for when the competition portion of the night has finished. These performers will entertain the crowd while votes are being tallied and drink tabs are being added up. The 3 spots will not be required to bring guests but will be expected to do 7-10 minutes, with a 1 minute light, depending on how much time is needed to tally votes and add up drink tabs.

All performers are required to arrive no later than 7:45pm to receive their order in the nights performance and any other instruction that may be necessary. If a performer arrives after 7:45pm, then we invite them to stay to watch the show as an audience member because they will not be performing that night (Respect the stage).

Contact Ryan Holman to sign up: *DO NOT CALL THE CLUB*

Sign up for the next Open Mic will start on the Monday following the last Open Mic.

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