Ad ID: 001832
Posted: Apr 17, 2018
For sale > Beauty & Health Products
Grove Appalachia (all natural) Miracle Skin Cream is the perfect blend of Pure Coconut Oil, Olive Oil, and Beeswax and nothing else. Coconut oil is once again becoming discovered as one of the most powerful healing elements on earth . Olive oil is also well known for its healing elements and naturally tones your skin and beeswax bonds these elements together and seals these precious and powerful moisturizing and healing oils into your skin when applied. Amazing healing results for skin burns, sun and liver spots fade away with dramatic improvements in one week. Used daily produces dramatic improvements noticed immediately. This does not have all the additives of most products which only have small percentages of active ingredient, this Creme is 100% ACTIVE INGREDIENT. Our words can't express the potency of this product, skin cancer patients have benefited by restoring terrible scarring. Miracle Skin Creme also shrinks skin thus fading wrinkles and stretch marks. TRY THIS PRODUCT BEFORE CONSIDERING COSMETIC SURGERY.
1000s of USES.

Also dramatic healing on sensitive scar tissue, burns, stretch marks, preventing stretching which creates wrinkles and much much more!

Salt and sugar scrubs with powerful natural ingredients to meet your needs.
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