Ad ID: 001995
Posted: May 18, 2017
Looking for a Business Partner!! (KY)
Services > Business Opportunities
Here is the Scoop, I am not offering anyone a JOB, if you are wanting a JOB go out and get one I wish you all the best of luck. I have had one of those for over 25 years and frankly I thank God everyday that a friend of mine cared enough about me to share this business with me. It has changed my life, and continues to do so...last year I partnered up with this good friend, ( he had made over a 1/2 million dollars in the last 24mos). On a VERY PART TIME <3-4 hrs. a week> basis he has helped me save and make an extra $10,000, and this year that amount will be over $100,000. It has already partially retired me, and will fully do so by the end of the year, it is allowing me to spend so much more time with my family then I could have imagined. NO MORE Bosses telling me what to do , when to do it, or how much money I am worth or can make. I will be in control of all of that...

Where do you come in? Well as Zig Ziggler said "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want." I am working with several other friends of mine to help them achieve what they want, but I committed to the Lord to share this with at least 3 other people. So I need at least one more person to help. I will pay this blessing forward with one or two more individuals. Do you want to be one of them? This business we will build together, it will make us BOTH financially free. I can help YOU make at least $100,000 with me (part time in the first year), or maybe you just want a lot more time freedom with your family? Whatever your goal is we can make it happen!!

What I am looking for in a business partner:
Strong work ethic, an entrepreneurial spirit, a relentless pursuit to succeed (NO QUITERS PLEASE). Someone who cares about people, someone who has been a success in the past (school, business, or life). Open mindedness (this is not like anything you have ever seen or done before). Coach ability, you need to be teachable, learn and listen to what I and other leaders will teach you and show you, there are 2 choices learn from others mistakes or your own. Be ambitious and a goal setter,

We grew 31% last year (in a down economy)!!!
We DO NOT buy and sell any products. This is 100% legal, moral and ethical...

Ask yourself this.... "If you keep doing today what you did yesterday, how will tomorrow (or this year, or the next 5 years) be any different?

Also I deserve the best in life, as does my family, I will do whatever it takes to get that for them (because they deserve it too)! What will you do for yourself and your loved ones?

Will your current business or plan let you retire, have the money you want and spend a lot more time with your family in the next year, 2 or even 5 years??

I you on the 40/40/40 plan (40+ hours a week, for 40+ years, only to end up trying to live on 40% of what you couldn't live on in the first place)...
There is a better way and plan.... let me show you the 2-5 year plan to achieve all you could have dreamed of and more!!!

For things to change YOU have to change, let me help..........

Serious inquires please CALL Fred at 608-576-6939! If you qualify I would be happy to set up a lunch meeting (my treat) and share with you what I am talking about.
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