Ad ID: 002485
Posted: Dec 25, 2022
IRS Tax Issues? Formerly with US Dept of Justice
Services > Legal
I help resolve IRS tax problems. Federally-licensed to represent taxpayers in all 50 states. Effective and workable solutions to IRS tax problems. Formerly with the Criminal Division, Fraud Section, U.S. Department of Justice, and Former IRS Agent. I worked with the federal government 15 years, and I have been enrolled to practice before the IRS 20 years. Toll Free # (800) 796-3077.

I assist with –
removal of IRS tax liens;
removal of bank and wage levy;
refund offsets;
property seizures;
offers in compromise;
payment plans;
due process hearings;
Trust Fund Recovery Penalty;
penalty abatement;
innocent spouse and injured spouse claims;
audit reconsideration;
IRS summons and much more.

I also represent taxpayers whose income tax or employment tax returns have been selected for audit. If audit results seem unreasonable, the fixed representation includes representation before the IRS Appeals Office. I can also assist with preparation of Tax Court Petition if matters progress to the Tax Court stage. I will represent you at all levels of the Internal Revenue Service. Bilingual - English and Spanish.
Toll Free # (800) 796-3077 Local # is (512) 547-5033

4009 Banister Ln., Suite 353, Austin, TX, 78704    google map | yahoo map
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