Ad ID: 003357
Posted: May 05, 2022
Asian / Oriental Groceries & Supplies (1548 Thornton, Clovis NM)
Services > Business Opportunities
K's Oriental Food. 1548 Thornton, Clovis NM. 575-762-8660.

Oriental/Asian Groceries and Supplies. Clovis NM.

Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai, Lao, Malaysian, Singaporean, Filipino, Vietnamese.

Fresh produce, fish, packaged and canned foods, beverages, rice, rice cookers, noodles, gift items.

Abundant parking. 2800 square feet of delicious choices.

Friendly, courteous service.

We do not gossip or pass on your personal information to other people.

K's Oriental Food. 1548 Thornton, Clovis NM. Just south of Clovis High School. 575-762-8660.

From Prince St, go west on 21st St, go left (south) on Thornton, pass the high school, see our store on the right (west) side.

NOTE: The owner wants to retire soon. If you have an interest in purchasing this stable business, please visit the store and inquire. . .. or call.
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