Ad ID: 004765
Posted: Feb 01, 2024
Brand New Product 4 Shot JPX Pepper Gun for Less-Lethal Carry
Item(s) condition: Brand new
For sale > Sporting goods
This product was just introduced in our market and it is the only less-lethal product on the market that fires 4 separate rounds.

The JPX 4 Shot Defender is unique in that it offers four separate shots and the ability to reload each shot independently of the others.
The 4 shot defender is a full-sized pepper gun that only weighs in at 20 ounces full. The cartridges will fire pepper spray 23 feet at 405 MPH with a 2 foot spread.

If you understand the liability of carrying a firearm outside your home and don't want the risk of losing everything by using it in the wrong circumstance, then now you have an option. The JPX Defender is a less-lethal product designed to stop a perpetrator so that you can escape.

We have a limited supply and the guns can be found at WWW.MYSTUNGUN.COM, WWW.THEPEPPERGUN.COM AND WWW.JPXPOLICESUPPLY.COM

The JPX 4 Defender is not considered a firearm by ATF and no registration is required in most states where pepper spray is allowed. The Defender cartridge carries .35 oz of pepper spray making it legal in most states that regulate pepper volume.

Each JPX 4 comes with:

1 JPX Pepper Gun
4 OC cartridges
1 case
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