Ad ID: 005678
Posted: Mar 23, 2023
The Bright Side Lice Treatment Salon (Sun Prairie)
Services > Health & Beauty
One Treatment, Chemical Free, 100% Guaranteed
Say Goodbye to lice and hello to the Bright Side of your life again.

The Bright Side Lice Removal Treatment Salon.

To better serve you appointments available 7 days a week and required.
Call now to setup your appointment, 608-825-8255.

Conveniently located in Sun Prairie.
600 W Main St, Unit 1, Lower Level. Sun Prairie, WI. 53590.
At the corner of Main St and Williamson Ave.

Check out our website

for more information.

Also, we are on facebook ( ) and Yelp! ( ) .

Southern Wisconsin's only Air Alle' TM treatment provider.

The Air Alle' TM is the only FDA cleared medical device for the treatment of Head Lice. In clinical trials it killed 99.2% of the nits. One short treatment, 100% guaranteed.

The Air Alle' TM treatment is a revolutionary new way to kill head lice and their eggs without using pesticides or other chemicals. Clinical studies have shown that the treatment, which uses only controlled heated air, is a very safe, fast and highly effective way to kill all stages of head lice - including lice eggs*!
* For more information on benefits and possible risks, visit or call 1-877-781-0999.
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