Ad ID: 005772
Posted: Nov 10, 2023
Licensed Weed Control Specialist - Mel's Outdoor Services (Prescott / PV / Chino / Williamson)
Services > Landscape/Lawn/Garden
Keep safe with a licensed weed control professional.
Call for a free consultation today! 928-274-6413
Visit for more details.

Our area is rich with lush landscapes and livestock, and it's one of the reasons that Chino Valley, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Dewey-Humboldt, and Williamson Valley make this area such a beautiful place to live. During the hot, summer months, dry weeds, grass and brush present a severe fire hazard to our community. It is important to keep a defensible space around the buildings on your property to protect them from fire. Weeds can also be dangerous to animals. Contact Mel's Outdoor Services today for a free consultation and safety analysis.

Small yards to large acreage
Residential & Commercial
Bar ditch / borrow pit (weed control reduces fire hazard)
Pre-emergents (before the weeds sprout)
Post-emergents (weeds have started growing)
Monthly applications (recommended due to year-long growing season)
Flexible application schedule
Clear out overgrown weeds (prepare area for application)
Weed-eating services
Mel's Outdoor Services LLC
License #9358
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