Bridal Gowns - ALL Sizes!! (Nashua)
For sale > Clothing/Accessories
Nancy's Bridal and Alterations is a full service bridal shop with a wide
range of gorgeous gowns to make your wedding the supremely special day
that it is. Nancy has been in the business for decades and is dedicated
to providing you the best gowns available a great prices. She also
offers the full range of alterations on your gowns and all other
clothing(for men and women). The prices range from $299 to $499 - a
fantastic deal for you! If we don't have your size in stock, we will
order it for you! Located at 6 Kinsley St. in downtown Nashua, the
shop is easy to find and is right off of busy Rt. 3. Open Monday
through Saturday. Call 598-3500.