Name Your Price Labor/Handyman/You Name It Services (Kalispell, Whitefish, Columbia Falls, Entire Flathead Valley)
Name Your Price Labor/Handyman/You Name It Services
Got something that needs to be done but don't have the time, will or just need a little help with it?
I'm here to help you out :)
I was a remodeling carpenter for 8 1/2yrs and are no stranger to good
old manual labor and fixing or improving almost any aspect of your home.
There are no jobs to small or unusual.
Digging holes
Chopping wood
Yard maintenance
Home repairs (leaky roof, wood damage, leaky pipes, broken toilet, dry wall repair, fixing water heaters, painting ect.)
Home improvements (Doors, Windows, Drywall, Roofing, Light Electrical,
Framing, Trim Carpentry, Tile, Gutters, Siding, Painting, Plumbing ect.)
There is a small catch to the home improvement section.....all my tools
are in another state, so I am very limited with these unless you
Above are some pictures of a deck that I built recently (to the
specifications of the hirer) and a set of wooden cloths lines as well (Both separate jobs). Please give me an
opportunity do some more work to take pictures of.