We offer the best puppy sitting services available
After going on vacation and coming home to 2 emaciated and dehydrated
dogs, I swore never again. Our guests are very well fed, exercised and
loved. They even sleep in bed with us.We know that your dogs are part of
the family not just a dog.We have short and long term rates as well as
emergency intake.
Your Dogs will be treated with the upmost of care and respect
We board 365 days a year. We no not use kennels or cruel corrective behavior!
Prices are : $20.00 per day for the first dog as well as $10.00 per day for each additional dog
(half price discount only applies to dogs in the same family)
Special rates apply for long term boarding. We do consider taking more than 3 dogs if in the same family.
We Book up fast especially during the holidays and summer vacation !
We do not accept aggressive dogs ( this includes food aggression) For the safety of our other guests
The only time a dog sleeps in a kennel at Puppy Paradise Pet Palace is
by request of its owner. If your dog is used to being kenneled at night
we have no problem with you bringing their kennel, favorite blanket and
toys. Our home is their home.
Call us at (434)688-0079