Ad ID: 010037
Posted: Apr 23, 2023
GOT ROOF LEAKS? WE FIX THEM! Guarantee 5 yrs! Avg repair price $150 (Dover, Raymond, Hampstead out to all Seacoast NH areas)
Services > Skilled trades
Are those roof leaks bothering you? Heavy rains ahead may mean more troubles!
Let us fix this for you quick, cheap and easy!
Most leaks are a result of one or two spots needing repairs. Why replace the entire roof when it might be fixed for as little as $150?
Call us today and let us show you how to save a fortune on your roofing problems. We have 30 years of experience, many great references, we are fully insured and can fix any type of roof! Flat roof leaks are our specialty as it's very common with that type of roofing, some times people will decide to replace it either on their own, or by recommendation of building professional, spending thousands, but it may only need a few well placed repairs. Let us look at it for you and give you a quote and then you decide. We can save you money! Call us today.
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