Ad ID: 012817
Posted: Jun 25, 2024
PC Repair, Backups, & Virus Removal (Southern NH/ Mass Line)
Services > Computer/Website
*Virus & spyware removal
*Multi-point AV, Malware and Spyware removal tools
*Virus Remediation

$50.00 Per hour for each service listed above
A flat fee of $100.00 For each Service listed above

*Operating System (Reload or Repair)
*Reloading or Repairing Operating System may/will cause data loss
*Apply all current system updates and patches.
*When requested customer must supply manufacturer's System Restore CD

$50.00 Per hour for each service listed above
A flat fee of $100.00 For each Service listed above

*Desktop Flat-Rate Labor (No Data Backup)
*Diagnose Issue
*Part pricing

$140.00 + cost of part/s

Repair of Laptop System (No Data Backup)
•Diagnose Issue
•Part Pricing

$140.00 + cost of part/s

Data Backup

$62.00 flat rate

•Installation of Memory, CD, DVD, Secondary HD, Sound-Card, Modem, Ethernet Card, or video Card


Installation of new Primary Hard Disk with O/S Installation

$100.00 + the cost of the Operating System

Power Cleaning- Flush Fans, Case, and Power-Supply (Desktop)


Power cleaning-Flush fans, Case, Power-Supply and Re-Seat the Heat Sync with new thermal paste. (Laptop)


*Customer may supply media to store their data or we can provide a source for an additional cost of the part. If the client's data is not recoverable then they will only be charged a diagnostic fee of $40.00, unless additional work is being completed.

*Customer may provide peripherals for installation and assumes all risk with the installation.
We are not liable for damages or data loss that may occur. If we purchase the part/s needed then it will be added to cost of the service above.

All minimum charges (Bench Fee $50.00) are due when the system is accepted for service; any additional charges are due when the repair is complete. If equipment is left with us for 60 days past notification that the service is complete it will then be considered abandoned and sold or discarded.
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