ROCK STAR CRYSTALS has more QUARTZ CLUSTERS and QUARTZ in every form than any other store in NYC! Looking for small and large QUARTZ POINTS and QUARTZ GENERATORS? There are hundreds of them to choose from. You'll find QUARTZ CRYSTALS in all it's forms, including CLEAR QUARTZ, SMOKY QUARTZ, RUTILATED QUARTZ, TOURMILATED QUARTZ, ROSE QUARTZ. CITRINE, AMETHYST, TIBETAN QUARTZ, HERKIMER DIAMONDS, PHANTOM QUARTZ, DOUBLE-TERMINATED QUARTZ, LEMURIAN QUARTZ, FADEN QUARTZ and more! You'll also find hundreds of QUARTZ PYRAMIDS, QUARTZ SPHERES, QUARTZ OBELISKS, QUARTZ STARS OF DAVID, QUARTZ MERKABA, QUARTZ MASSAGE WANDS, QUARTZ PENDULUMS, QUARTZ ANGELS, QUARTZ CROSSES, QUARTZ PLATONIC SOLIDS, QUARTZ BOWLS and more! You'' find QUARTZ JEWELRY in the form of QUARTZ BRACELETS, QUARTZ RINGS, QUARTZ PENDANTS, QUARTZ EARRINGS and QUARTZ NECKLACES. Seeing is believing, so visit the store any day between 12pm and 8pm. You can call ROCK STAR at 212 675 3065 or go to